Hajar Mountains

This is the most frequent area when I look for plain old rugged landscape comprising of loose rock-shaped mountains. The area is easily accessible, has a short drive-in, and a relaxing environment suitable to settle in at any time of the day (literally as I have ventured in during the wee early hours of the morning).

It may seem interesting and exciting at the same time to want to go to remote places, and you will be eager to jump on a vehicle and reach that spot. This may be simply because you relish the image that best reminds you of that happy place. This is good, as you as the consumer have wholly consumed the image that the photographer had planned for you. His (the photographer) goals of drawing the viewers (you) into his set of photographs have reached the achievement stage and indeed rewarded him through tons of appreciation and kind words that you may have sent him.

Is this all a plan?

Yes, it is, you may have been alarmed by the word, purely through how the photographer planned the series of enticing images. True, most photographers plan their final outcome and you must do too. There are no such things as miracle shots, a perfect moment, and lucky capture. There must all be carefully choreographed and staged to bring out the best of what the environment and the photographer’s talent have to offer. Now before you feel all scandalized and betrayed by what I have just said, please hear me out.

Why is it so important to plan beforehand?

There is too much at stake and too much at risk, the combination of organization/experience, pre-planning, and risk management contributes to a successful image. To a normal eye, the audience is taken back by the sheer luck of the photographer. Moving into experience, we all understand that the activities are essential. Most photographers often overlook the opportunity to learn the non-creative part of photography. These are essential housekeeping skills required to get a series of highly creative images. In other words, learning to get lucky.

What am I missing? Tell me why.

It is easy to just show at the spot, maybe the most difficult part is planning for the weather. But there is much more that is required to plan, I would first decide on what kind of image and subject I want to capture. It is very important to collect desired images that you envision through observed materials around you. It is best to collect materials with the intention to collect and use them. In the beginning, you will have less, but your creativity will allow you to combine two or more concepts and you will get inspired by your environment. Therefore it is imperative that you keep listening. Start listening to things happening around you and sharpen your skills to catalog and categorize. With these skills, you will be able to plan your trip more effectively and efficiently.

This is what you should do.

Take note of what is going on around you. Be present, feel the air and remember how that makes you feel. When you put a feeling in a photo so that the audience can feel the same thing. You can connect with the audience and in return makes you powerful.

Donec volutpat in augue a tempus. Praesent eu neque sed nisi efficitur maximus. Nullam massa purus, laoreet eu felis pharetra, dictum gravida mauris. Sed luctus id libero in iaculis. Cras sit amet vestibulum urna, sit amet tempus nisi. Ut finibus tincidunt consequat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Proin sit amet tincidunt lorem, non maximus risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse non eleifend dui, id tristique elit. Nam commodo aliquet vestibulum. Cras.

tree grown around

Morbi lobortis lobortis tortor, sed convallis erat tincidunt consequat. Etiam vulputate, dolor vel sodales rutrum, ligula risus aliquet elit, in venenatis velit sem sed nisi. Donec quis odio egestas, fermentum ex a, suscipit dui. Praesent volutpat et ipsum eget condimentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet aliquet sapien. Etiam commodo nec dolor sit amet ultrices. Vivamus consequat mollis nibh ut dapibus. Integer in pulvinar tellus. Sed vel quam laoreet, vestibulum sem sed, vehicula est. Praesent auctor ante fringilla mollis semper. Integer id lacus risus.

Mauris at facilisis purus. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum varius euismod venenatis. Duis magna urna, tincidunt scelerisque velit a, pretium lobortis nunc. Proin dapibus velit et fringilla sodales. Fusce nisl risus, molestie eget ultricies vel, elementum vitae tortor. Vestibulum tincidunt justo quis nibh faucibus facilisis. Sed non nunc rutrum, scelerisque eros in, malesuada ex. Sed vitae feugiat massa. Sed non metus lacus.

Proin sit amet massa at metus feugiat porttitor a ut nulla. Aliquam consequat vestibulum orci ac laoreet. Mauris vitae lacus nulla. Sed ultrices ligula quis suscipit fringilla. Donec augue mauris, pellentesque ut sapien a, aliquam interdum nulla. In vitae magna orci. Integer dapibus fermentum accumsan. Pellentesque sodales venenatis est.

Sed vitae scelerisque eros. Integer erat dui, viverra quis quam sit amet, pellentesque iaculis nisl. Curabitur non blandit ligula, ut mattis nisi. Duis justo magna, placerat vitae sem vestibulum, posuere dapibus nisl. Aliquam rhoncus semper purus. Mauris mauris est, volutpat quis risus at, ultricies ultricies nibh. Donec lacinia lectus nisi. Quisque accumsan ex ut turpis malesuada molestie. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae;

Mauris at facilisis purus. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum varius euismod venenatis. Duis magna urna, tincidunt scelerisque velit a, pretium lobortis nunc. Proin dapibus velit et fringilla sodales. Fusce nisl risus, molestie eget ultricies vel, elementum vitae tortor. Vestibulum tincidunt justo quis nibh faucibus facilisis. Sed non nunc rutrum, scelerisque eros in, malesuada ex. Sed vitae feugiat massa. Sed non metus lacus.

Suspendisse felis lacus, pulvinar id nibh eu, eleifend varius nisi. Phasellus varius congue sapien, ac mattis erat efficitur vitae. Quisque rutrum velit nec mauris ultrices sodales. Integer mauris nunc, tincidunt ac ullamcorper eu, rutrum commodo justo. Nullam posuere tincidunt ultricies. Curabitur sed mollis arcu. Duis et nisi mattis, luctus ante id, semper dui. Nam ornare, libero at rutrum hendrerit, lectus sem aliquam orci, quis tincidunt tortor odio nec quam. Phasellus congue tristique magna, non convallis erat ultricies vitae. Aliquam vel magna vel urna posuere consectetur sed et nibh.

Mauris at facilisis purus. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum varius euismod venenatis. Duis magna urna, tincidunt scelerisque velit a, pretium lobortis nunc. Proin dapibus velit et fringilla sodales. Fusce nisl risus, molestie eget ultricies vel, elementum vitae tortor. Vestibulum tincidunt justo quis nibh faucibus facilisis. Sed non nunc rutrum, scelerisque eros in, malesuada ex. Sed vitae feugiat massa. Sed non metus lacus.

Quisque commodo massa augue, sed elementum velit commodo in. Mauris sollicitudin neque feugiat elit laoreet, ac tempus erat vehicula. In magna magna, viverra ut pellentesque et, aliquet non mauris. Aliquam vel sapien eget erat auctor ultrices vel ut dolor. In lacinia, mi nec convallis sodales, diam velit interdum tortor, ut condimentum ligula felis non odio. In sagittis, neque at varius sagittis, est metus ultrices nisl, vitae porta ex elit at orci. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tincidunt est vel nibh ornare, in commodo magna malesuada. Etiam sagittis tincidunt aliquet. Sed felis neque, volutpat quis lectus non, hendrerit efficitur nibh. Ut posuere urna dui, ut convallis dolor mattis non.



